Small Feet – Big Frustrations

1/1/2019 Update: Two Perfect Souls have relaunched this site and will no longer offer custom small size shoes.  The new mission of Two Perfect Souls will be to create unique 3D printed jewelry collection that complement your style and taste effortlessly.  Hope to see you again in my new journey.

How was everyone's Thanksgiving Weekend?  Hope everyone had a great time with family and friends and squeezed in a bit of holiday shopping too!

I have news this Monday!  I am excited to share an awesome review by Little Mise of The Little Palace blog!  Like me, she has always struggled with getting clothes and shoes/heels that fit.  So she started her blog with a goal to share her style tips and to find petite resources for those in the same situation.

Head on over to her blog to read her review and find out more about this petite blogger!

Two Perfect Souls - The Little Palace